
Monday, April 23, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements


  1. Bonjour Vivaldi! You may not know of me, only because your not a dancer of course, but I am among some of the most talented people of this era. I started learning young, as well as you, and I can say that you most likely agree with me when I say it really payed off! I also learned from my parents and was inspired by my family, just like you! How exciting it is to see our relations.

    1. Yes! All of our hard work did pay off! We have quite a lot in common, indeed.

  2. Hello Vivaldi, I am a female play write and I noticed some very interesting things about you, like the fact that both of your parents could support your family on a fairly steady income, unlike my family, consisting of my mother and all of her orphan children, there was never a steady income. I also noticed that you picked a different career, instead of following in the footsteps of your father who was a barber. I feel like you have done a great deal of work to match the great deal of success that you have.

    1. Yes, indeed I have much success. When my parents moved to Italy together, my father was a barber, but then became a full-time violinist after he was married and had kids. Although my family was poor, we did have some money just enough to raise me and my eight younger siblings. None of my siblings grew up to play musical instruments, but I did.

  3. ciao signor Vivaldi! There are many aspects of our lives that we share on common ground. Per esempio, we are both natives of Italia, and we share a love for our country. Also, we were both fortunate enough to have loving famiglie that, while fighting financial boundaries, were determined to aid us in embracing our love for music and giving us a grounded education in the art-form.
    The major difference that we would share is that you wrote far more music in your lifetime ten I did, and you might know greater fame. Also, naturally, we have very different styles of composing, although we both did experiment with our music, trying to create pieces the like of which had never been heard before.
    You are a compositore fantastico, definitely a man to be admired.

    1. Why, thank you! You are right; we do have a lot in common! I was born to be poor and lived poor, but wrote music that sparked fame(but not fortune) in my life. I was always poor; in fact, my music was lost and forgotten for two centuries until it was rediscovered in a sewer somewhere in Italy.

    2. I was not aware of that, come interessante! It makes one wonder if there's some great compositore music we will now never hear or perform because it was simply lost to the world as yours once was, doesn't it?

    3. Yes, indeed I think the same. In 50 years, maybe, we may be listening to a wonderful song written by a composer who died 300 years ago!

  4. Unlike you, I didn't really begin writing until much later in my life while you began when you were young. The loss of my family deeply inspired me to write!

    1. Yes, I did start writing young and wrote even more after I grew up; in fact, it was my job. I am so sorry for the loss of your family, but it did inspire you to write and now you are an artist going to a dinner party!

  5. Oh how interessante! We are both from Italy! Our main difference is that I am a ballerina and you are not. Another thing we have in common is that we both started our art very young. A judgment i have to make is that mi piace molto your background for your blog! Well I must go now, so addio!

    1. Why, Thank you! I do really like my background also because of the violin, music sheets, and roses!
