
Friday, April 6, 2012

My Artifacts

#1:  This is a portrait of me and my violin.  It is probably one of the best known portraits of me of all time.
 #2: This is another portrait of me.  In this picture, I am in the middle of composing a piece of music.
 #3: This is a picture of me playing my violin outside next to a tree.  I played my violin for church services sometimes.  My father, Giovanni Battista Vivaldi, taught me how to play the violin from a young age.
 #4: I composed music for many different instruments. Some of the instruments I composed music for were violin, bassoon, oboe, and piano.

#5: This is Venice, the town I grew up in.  There were boats coming and going in and out of the town about every day.  It was a very romantic city and full of beautiful music all the time.
 #6: This is a picture of St. Marks Basilica in Venice, a very large church were we would go to services and for which I would write music.  I also studied and got my education here and was ordained a priest, but could not continue due to my asthma which kept me from saying mass.

#7: This is a picture of the Ospedale Della Pieta, the orphanage for girls I taught at.  In this picture, my students are performing while an eager audience listens.  The performers could not be seen because they were girls, but beautiful music would always come out from behind the curtain.
 #8: This is a sketch of me, one that a friend did and was lost along with my music for two centuries.  Although just a brief sketch, it is quite famous.
#9: This is the Concerto in A minor, a piece greatly loved by young musicians around the world.  A lot of my concertos are written for a solo part and an accompanying part.

#10: This is a video clip of The Four Seasons, my most famous piece of all time.  It is a great example of my style of writing music because I would often make the notes jump up and down by full octaves (interval of 8 notes) to make it sound more interesting.  It is about 45 minutes long.  The pictures change as the seasons change.  Enjoy!



  1. I love the picture of the church in which you were inspired! It is so refreshing to see someone inspired by God.

    1. Why, Thank you! My family was very active at participating in a lot of church activities because we were very poor and churches offered free schooling.

  2. Your music is absolutely astonishing. The Four Seasons is definitely one of my favorites! Brilliant my dear!

    1. Thank you! It feels good to know that I have written music that others greatly enjoy! I also love The Four Seasons. It has many interesting sections in it that make people love to listen to it.

  3. As a fellow musician and composer, I must say that I am quite impressed with your music and I most certainly enjoy your Four Seasons.

    1. Thanks! I also love my Four Seasons. It feels good to know that I have impressed and inspired other composers and musicians in this world with my music.

  4. From one musicista e compositore to another, let me say that I greatly admire your work! As a child and student of the violoncello, your name and work was an ever present influence in my training and the musicale world around me.

    1. Why, thank you! It feels good to know that I greatly affect the world of music in a positive way!
